Light Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m interested in the landscape of the face, the way in which light and shadow fall across the forms. That’s really my subject matter (Light Quotes)
I want my paintings to have a light of their own, they must glow from inside (Light Quotes)
Poetry and painting continue to be companions: they cast their shadow and light, their silences and tones, at the edges of each other (Light Quotes)
The light is really the most important thing, so if you don’t have skylights and if you don’t have north light, this is like having a natural skylight. Light is the crucial factor. With wet oil paints, you don’t want any hot spots or bounce (Light Quotes)
Why onions? Because they’re cheap, last a long time, can be lit any number of ways and force me to think about what happens when the form turns away from the light (Light Quotes)
Enormous morning, ponderous, meticulous; gray light streaking each bare branch, each single twig, along one side, making another tree, of glassy veins (Light Quotes)
Goethe argued there is no color in the physical world; there are only patterns of light and dark. These patterns are a sensation produced by our very souls (Light Quotes)
There were shadows galore in the dim light, but there was one shadow that did not correspond to any object in the room. It lurked next to the fireplace, a formless, undulating darkness (Light Quotes)
Our mind is the canvas on which the artists lay their colour; their pigments are our emotions; their chiaroscuro the light of joy, the shadow of sadness. The masterpiece is of ourselves, as we are of the masterpiece (Light Quotes)
Science is wonderful at explaining what science is wonderful at explaining, but beyond that it tends to look for its car keys where the light is good (Light Quotes)
Chekhov will seek out the key situation in the life of a cabman or a charwoman, and make them glow for a brief moment in the tender light of his sympathy (Light Quotes)
When you zap things with light to build quantum computers, you’re hacking existing systems. You’re hijacking the computation that’s already happening in the universe, just like a hacker takes over someone else’s computer (Light Quotes)
Take my hand and grow young with me. Don’t rush. Don’t sleep. Be a beginner. Light the candles. Keep the fire. Dare to love someone. Tell yourself the truth. Stay inside the rapture (Light Quotes)
The modern city hardly knows a pure darkness or true silence anymore, nor does it know the effect of a single small light or that of a lonely distant shout (Light Quotes)
Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle for where we’re going. There’s something ahead worth fighting for (Light Quotes)
Evil cannot and will not be vanquished by evil. Dark will only swallow dark and deepen. The good and the light are the keenest weapons (Light Quotes)
The devil’s aversion to holy water is a light matter compared with a despots dread of a newspaper that laughs (Light Quotes)
The work of art will bring to light a new order inherent in things, and this will be: the idea of unity (Light Quotes)
Trust allows you to follow your feelings through your defenses to their sources, and to bring to the light of consciousness those aspects of yourself that resist wholeness, that live in fear (Light Quotes)
It is better when you are in the world. You know how much pain there is. You can tell how established you are in the light. To remove yourself from the things you desire or things you find difficult to deal with is no answer (Light Quotes)
Only alone can you go into eternity. Only alone can you feel the transcendental light. It is not a shared experience because if it is shared, you are down in duality (Light Quotes)
Help the world in any way that you want to. I have found that the more light you give and spread, the more you will evolve (Light Quotes)
Your mind is made up of light. We call it the dharmakaya, the clear light of reality. The transcendental eternal light is everywhere. It’s the light of God or whatever you want to call it (Light Quotes)
The white light is the joker in the deck. It creates transmutations that are completely unpredictable, which is what makes it fun, which is why it scares the hell out of most people (Light Quotes)
Life reorders you when you go into the clear light. Even the causal structure is liquefied. The clear light of reality, the dharmakaya, changes us into beings of light (Light Quotes)
Within the universe there is a pure light. It is a light that is beyond all darkness. It does not give way to anything. It is the light of existence, the dharmakaya (Light Quotes)
Enlightenment is a timeless void. It’s an emptiness that’s filled with the most excellent light (Light Quotes)
The miracle of enlightenment is that you take the self and let it dissolve in the white light of eternity (Light Quotes)
The only reason you feel pain is because you’re so busy looking at yourself instead of looking at the wonderful patterns of light. If you become absorbed in the wonderful patterns of light, then there’s no pain (Light Quotes)
All things are void. So how possibly could there be any obscurations since everything is void, when you’re void itself? There’s only the void. In the void, there’s only shining, perfect clear light of reality (Light Quotes)